Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Our walks to the creek

Mommy sat him down, so unacceptable!!!
Wyatt trying to look like a model....work it baby
Puppy Love

Happy Creek Baby

March 2012
September 2011 Wyatt Wearing his shades

Wyatt's First Trip to Custard Cup!

Wyatt Opening Up for the FIRST bite of Vanilla Custard
Nom Nom Nom

On March 25th Wyatt made his 2nd trip to the Custard Cup in Danville.  But this was the first time he got to taste the deliciousness!  I ordered a Boston Chocolate Malt with 2 scoops of Vanilla.  Ok folks, I'm not crazy!  I absolutely did not give Wyatt any chocolate because I prefer not to punish myself with giving him caffine.  Wyatt ate half a scoop of vanilla custard and felt mixed emotions about the tasty treat.  He made the funniest faces because he has never had anything so cold but it was so yummy he kept opening up like a starving baby bird.  What a silly boy!  Wyatt had great company for his first sampling of ice cream.  His Aunt Ashley, Grandpa Denny, Great Aunt Patti, and his mommy accomanied him and yes we left at him and not with him at those silly scrunchy faces he made with every bite.
Wyatt and Mommy At a picnic table at Custard Cup

Wyatt and Mommy at his very first trip to the Custard Cup

Friday, December 30, 2011

For All You Cat Lovers!

Wyatt's Day with Aunt Ashley (In Pictures)

Watching Cartoons in his PJ's


 I Give UP!

Smell My Feet Aunt AshleyI'm Cute and I know it!
I'm getting WILD!
Too Much Jumping!

The Best Christmas EVER!

So 2011 was officially the best Christmas ever!  Wyatt made out like a bandit with all his gifts.  Such a spoiled little cutie! We had our first Christmas at Andy's sister Sarah's house in Westfield, Indiana the weekend before Christmas.  The food was delicious and Wyatt received the cutest outfits and some awesome toys (he really likes his steering wheel)! 
But it's really Christmas Eve that made this the best Christmas ever.  So it's 2:30 on Saturday and Christmas at Gram's house begins at 4.  If you know us, we are never on time to anything. I am still in my sweats making Wyatt's bottles in the kitchen and Andy keeps bugging me about opening presents before we leave.  I told him we didn't have time for that but he kept insisting we open our presents.  For the life of me I cannot figure out why he is acting like I typically do and most children about these presents...so anxious!  Finally I gave in.  I know he said he knocked it out of the park this year on my present but in my head I was saying "yeah uh huh."  Well he did!  I opened my presents and was so excited to get a new Sonicare toothbrush, WWE Zack Ryder gear, and a NorthFace jacket.  I started to feel bad though, all I got Andy was a new Carhartt jacket.  Then he told me to check the pockets of my new jacket.  Of course I thought that was a weird request, but okay I'll check them....Bam!  I ring box!  Yes an engagement ring!  Yay me, I'm getting married for Christmas!  And our 5 furry babies plus Wyatt are getting a real family for Christmas.  So I guess he really did knock it out of the park this year.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas On The Creek

Last Friday Wyatt had his 6 month check up and shots.  He received a clean bill of health and even got a book to take home.  He did however scream through his 4 shots, which of course made me cry too.  He is so freaking cute! So as a reward for his tough doctor's appointment I took him for his first trip to sit on Santa's lap at the mall.  He sat there like a good boy while the poor girl did everything in her power to make him smile.  Nope he just kept giving her a stone cold stare.  Finally he stopped staring at mommy and the girl with the toys and glanced up at Santa.  Yep, he let the screams fly! We managed to get a pretty good picture anyhow.  And By The Way, Wyatt would like to public scold his daddy for not getting us a tree yet!  He fears Santa won't come and leave presents if there is not a tree :-(   But Apparently I can save money on Christmas gifts this year....Andy loves Wyatt's "Count N Crunch Cookie Monster" as much as I hope Wyatt likes it!  Yes, one gift for two people!!!!  Of course this trend should/will continue especially when Wyatt gets into video games.  Because lets face it, some "men" NEVER grow up.  Wyatt is also getting a ton of new clothes in the next size up and his very own Fisher Price cell phone for Christmas.  I'm already excited for next Christmas to see my little BuddyBear open his presents and see his reactions!  I am feeling slightly guilty about our furry babies' stockings still being empty this year.  The poor Trustee Steeds and Kitty Cats!  Hopefully I will get the time to buy their squeaky balls, cat nip, and cans of their special tasty treats before the big day.  Here is to wishing ya'all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!